Favorite Links
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A couple great links...

U2 sites:
www.focus-in.net here's my band's website. check out our recordings on MP3!
U2.com The band's official home page
U2 tours set lists and reviews of every show
U2 For love or money the best U2 bootleg review site on the net

other favorites...
performance photography Check out Otto Kitsinger's concert photos.
Justin Cook's CDR page looking for a dependable place to get U2 and Pearl Jam boots? Justin is great.
U2 mansion A great fan site with some cool downloads...
U2 Guitar Archive Chords and tab to just about every U2 song there is...
U2 sound site Want to make your guitar sound like Edge? here's the place....
youtwo.net THE BEST U2 NEWS SITE THERE IS!!! Run by Rev. Prarit...
U2 sound library A great collection of rare and old U2 clips.
@U2.com a great fan site...
U2 station anything U2 that you could ever want...